One of the best parts about VOWS for me is the ability to interact with so many successful storeowners. In doing so, I notice themes – certain things most all of them say or do that contribute to their boutique’s success.
   A big one is education – these storeowners never stop learning, absorbing knowledge, seeking insight beyond what they already know. And there isn’t one format they stick to. Rather they are reading books and magazines, attending seminars, listening to podcasts, networking with other owners – basically soaking up knowledge any and everywhere they go. Even when it’s something seemingly unrelated to bridal, they still look for ideas and inspiration. They are forever students – of bridal, of business, of life – and it greatly influences their success.
   This is certainly the case with this issue’s profile, Something New in Colorado Springs. Owner Mindi Linscombe – whom I had the pleasure of interviewing in person seeing as how her boutique is less than an hour from my home – has a passion for education and it shines through in multiple aspects of her business. Mindi used to be a teacher, and although she didn’t have a bridal background when she first opened Something New, she relied on her ability to explain things well to make sales – and it worked! She also dedicated herself to really learning the ins and outs of the industry, and today passes along her passion for education by providing a ton of educational resources to brides, including checklists, templates and even a magazine. She also records two podcasts and coaches other bridal store owners. In other words, she never stops teaching and learning (read Mindi’s inspirational story on pg. 95 of our July/August issue of VOWS).
   This should be a goal for anyone who owns a business, to absorb as much knowledge as possible from as many situations as you can. Who knows when the next great idea for a marketing tactic, eye-catching display or customer event might hit? I can’t tell you the number of times I have spoken to a storeowner who has explained the inspiration behind a great idea that came from some seemingly random, unrelated-to-bridal source.
   In fact, it seems to me that inspiration is most likely to strike when people are doing things they’re passionate about. So get out there and enjoy, whatever it is you love doing. And have the added satisfaction of knowing that not only is it good for your spirit and mind but also your business!