A lot of gloom and doom out there. . . and full disclosure, I too have been caught up within it.
   It was only recently during one of my pre-dawn walks that take me through this urban neighborhood to a creek side trail that I fully realized how consumed I’d become by doom scrolling down a black hole confirming the worst of my worries and fear.
   That thought stopped me mid-stride. . . and within moments a chuckle at the absurdity of it all grew into a belly laugh that any witness would have described as maniacal.
   What came to mind in that extended moment was one of many quotes that serve to remind me that in this life and business, it’s not mind over matter, but more often mind then matter:

"I’ve heard there’s going to be a recession, I’ve decided not to participate.”

– Walt Disney

    Which made me a bit more giddy.
   What I get from this specific quote is that he’s not ignoring nor dismissing the realities of a business downturn, but instead deciding not to participate in a collective panic, choosing instead to continue a focus (in my opinion) on strategic planning, customer engagement and corporate efficiencies.
   Which is exactly what I needed reminding of, and what I’m advocating here.
   This particular slowdown in appointment bookings and downturn in closing ratios is very real as verified by numerous conversations with stressed boutique owners across the country. . . yet it is not worse or somehow unique from previous difficult cycles.
   Just different.
   As an industry we have overcome past difficult business cycles by adapting our core strengths to a changing consumer and marketplace.
   And at the risk of repeating a recurring theme in these Publisher Notes, it has been our resiliency and creativity that surfaces when we remember that we may not control external economic conditions but we do have the power to choose and control our responses.
   By choosing “not to participate” in the negativity and fear, we then once again concentrate on the proactive strategies that free us and that move us forward to better days.